森林结局 Woods – Episode – Finale (记得看完再展开读,有剧透, Please read more after watch)
「吴可玖瑶」「The Hopeless Hope」
现在来圆这个执念了,算是满足了我们这一次的悬疑梦。这次很可惜最后为了合规剪完剧情只剩很短的篇幅了,悬疑加成人很难有我们预期的效果,并且犯罪的内容还使得我们账号被封险些无法解封。片尾有我们想对一直包容我们任性尝试粉丝们说的话,如果你有什么想对森林系列说的话也请留言给我们,你们的声音能使我们一直坚持下去。???? 另外看完了你就知道为什么主角叫吴可玖瑶了,剧情设计之初我们准备走双线开放结局,拍都拍完了,但是无奈把其中的暴力现实线砍掉了,只留下了幻觉线,无可救药的女主听谁的声音都是吴可,看谁都是吴可。在第0集就充满了「她的幻想」,后来她一个人在森林里摔倒,一个人泡温泉,一个人去夏威夷,算是一个beautiful dreamer吧。可能我就是那个beautiful dreamer吧。
After being trimmed and re-edited about 6 times, to align with the OF terms of use, the finale is coming out. We had to remove all the crime/violent/dru9 scenes which made it really short. Also, we have come to the conclusion that porn + suspension fiction doesn’t really show as what we expected. Last time those scenes caused a banning on our OF account and we could not take that risk anymore. We left some words at the end of this episode to you, if you have something to say please comment. Your voices are always the reason why we are here.